Vintage gay porn movies group

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Zoo Weekly - Emap East ISSN 1740-8512 (UK, Australia, South Africa).Main article: List of men's magazines § Lads' mags Private (1965–present) (Swedish, Spanish).Aktuell Rapport (Norwegian, 1976–present), (Swedish, 1978–present).Score (1992 Miami, Florida, focuses on large-breasted women).Barely Legal - Hustler Magazine, launch 1974.Whitehouse (1974–2008 David Sullivan, later Gold Star Publishing).

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Razzle (1983 British focuses on amateur style pornography).Penthouse (1965–present) and Penthouse Variations.Knave (Galaxy Publications, UK, 1968-2015).Men's World (Paul Raymond Publications, UK).Men Only (Paul Raymond Publications, UK).

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These magazines may include female-male, female-female-male and/or female-female content.

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